Stories of Life Among the Poor and Homeless in San Diego

Note: These stories are about real people and real incidents unless otherwise noted clearly at the beginning of the story. Names have been altered to honor the dignity and privacy of the individuals in the stories

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kelly, From Some Time Back: Her Success Story

Although a very new Christian, Kelly was having quite a difficult time when she first came to Ladle Fellowship. She was homeless, depressed, confused, estranged from her daughter and feeling under satanic attack. Yet she kept coming back to Ladle discipleship class for direction, fellowship, prayer and encouragement. She attended Sunday services as well. She had her heart set on going to City College and turning her life around. After a couple of months she announced that she had found an apartment in El Cajon and so might not be coming to class. A few months later Kelly returned on a Sunday morning for a visit. She was beaming and anxious to share all the good things God has been doing in her life these past few months. Not only had the art classes at City College been going well, but the Lord had opened up several avenues for selling her art work. She has gotten several commissions and is actually making money with her art. I said I’d like to see her art sometime and she said, “I’ve got a small portfolio right here on my camera.” She then proceeded to show me photos of a mural she’d done in an Italian restaurant as well as a number of paintings—some landscapes and some portraits—all very very good! Not only was her art career taking off, her atheist daughter had come to the Lord and they’d been reconciled. They had shared Thanksgiving together for the first time in years. Kelly’s life has really turned around and she is joyfully praising God for His help and blessings.

I ran across this story in an archived email. When I come across--or remember--stories from the past, like this one, I'll post them for some to read for the first time and others to remember the people in the story. --Allen

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