Stories of Life Among the Poor and Homeless in San Diego

Note: These stories are about real people and real incidents unless otherwise noted clearly at the beginning of the story. Names have been altered to honor the dignity and privacy of the individuals in the stories

Thursday, December 9, 2010

God regularly uses others--especially my wife-- to show me what true generosity is and how far I have to go to attain that essential virtue. Yesterday at the corner bus stop by our church I ran into a disabled man I've known for years. Paul lives in a downtown hotel and gets by on the SSI check that goes mostly to pay his hotel bill. We made small talk as he waited for the bus and when he said he was on his way to the ATM to withdraw some money I joked with him, "get me a stack of money while you're there." He called me this morning and apologized for not realizing yesterday that I must have been dropping a big hint that I was broke and needed money. "Allen," he said, if you need a few bucks, well, I don't have much--but I could give you a little if you need it." I then had to explain that I had been joking around and really didn't need any money. I thanked him and blessed him for being so kind and thoughtful. As we said goodbye I was reminded once aaginjust how far I have yet to go...

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